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来源:国家能源局 时间:2020-08-06 11:17





2020 年 7 月

根据《国家能源局综合司关于印发2019年重点专项督查工作方案的通知》(国能综监〔2019〕38号),国家能源局组织各派出机构开展优质服务用户“得电”、清洁能源消纳、12398热线投诉举报等常见问题重点专项督查(以下简称重点专项督查)。 本报告是在日常监督、企业自查、现场检查的基础上形成的。


国家能源局严格落实中央“基层减负年”部署要求,统筹推进重点专项督查、能源行业不顾公共利益问题专项整治、农网改造大排查升级改造,着力为基层减负。 各派出机构坚持目标导向、问题导向,认真制定实施方案和工作台账,按照启动部署、自查整改、现场督导等步骤,全面排查、深入研究、严格行政执法,确保重点专项监管工作落到实处。 有效的。 在督查工作中,国家能源局集中整体力量,组成15个工作组,在全国开展调查督查和现场督查。

从监管情况看,各级电网公司和供电企业基本能落实重点专项监管工作要求,着力拓宽服务渠道,创新服务方式,着力提升供电质量和服务水平,积极解决群众反映的各类用电问题。 问题,有更好的结果。 在督查中,我们还发现部分企业在电报安装、配电网运维管理、市场交易组织等方面存在问题。


据统计,国家能源局工作组会同各派出机构在重点专项督查中发现各类问题717个。 本报告按照类似合并和典型案例通报的原则,重点披露以下事项。


部分供电企业办理装机业务时间超过国家能源局《压缩电力装机时间实施方案》规定的时限要求的; 业务处理存在“体外循环”、重复或延迟启动系统流程、填写或更改时间记录、使用Telegram安装时间统计信息不准确等问题。

第 1 列:

1、广东湛江供电局在竣工验收及装接电表环节有35%的加班率; 内蒙古赤峰、山西太原、河南邓州、贵州梅潭等地区部分供电企业利用电报安装不符合逻辑的数据,业务处理环节时间倒置。

2、津西、林芝、西藏等供电企业营销系统记录时间与业务拓展数据记录时间不一致,或与实际不一致; 宁夏石嘴山、安徽富阳、广西贺州等地区的供电企业存在先办理用电业务后启动系统进程的现象; 新疆喀什供电公司部分低压非居民新装,直到装表环节才启动系统流程。


有的供电企业信息或环节梳理不到位,有的增加审批承诺,有的报送申请材料复杂,有的供电企业上网系统功能不完善、落实不到位,制约了“拿电”的便利性。 ”的改进水平。

第 2 列:

3、闽侯、福建等地区供电企业在部分电力安装工程中增加了“初步供电指导”环节; 湖北忻州等地区供电公司要求低压电力安装必须委托台湾地区电网工作人员; 浙江省电力有限公司在办理电报安装业务时,对110kV及以上用户增加“准入制审批”环节。

4、河北承德、唐山等地区供电企业要求新装机用户不仅要提交纸质用电申请材料,还要使用“掌上电源”APP重复提交业务申请; 江苏无锡供电公司多次领取营业执照、法人身份证复印件。



部分供电企业违规收费或关联企业变相收费; 投资接口不明确,随意扩大用户受电项目范围,将部分本应由供电企业承担的成本转嫁给用户; 方式设置不明确或暗示预付款条件; 用户信息未及时更改,造成重复收费。

第 3 列:


7.安徽亳州、陕西延安等供电企业将本应由供电企业承担的计量、用电信息采集、负荷控制装置等费用转给部分供电企业用户; 用户,2017年至2019年5月累积约600万元。

8、浙江省电力有限公司统一印制《低压电力智能缴费服务协议》相关条款,限制用户选择变更缴费方式,用户缴费金额和方式的设置不清除,并在此过程中通知用户。 知情权和选择权未充分知情; 重庆电力公司在推广智能支付时设置了隐含的预付费用条件,要求预付费用账户余额不得低于20元。



部分农村配电网结构薄弱,供电能力不足,电压低、经常停电等问题时有发生; 一些供电企业电网运行安排不合理,计划检修协调不科学,停电抢修不及时,供电“两率”数据管理不规范、统计不准确。

第 4 列:

10、河南信阳、周口、驻马店等地区,河北唐山、沧州、保定等地区,湖北恩施、黄冈,陕西西安、汉中,广西贺州、榆林,毕节农配电及贵州铜仁 电网基础设施相对薄弱,当地群众反映的电压低、停电频繁等问题较为突出,投诉举报数量较多。


12、宁夏石嘴山供电公司停电计划执行率偏低,2019年1、5月计划检修执行率分别为71.43%、77.5%; 陕西西安供电公司2019年1月主网停电临时检修占50%,配网停电计划完成率仅为39%。


部分供电企业区别对待关联企业与承接(修、试)电力设施的其他企业,影响和阻碍市场公平开放; 其关联公司利用其特殊地位影响公平竞争; 检查管控不严,存在无资质、虚假资质建设单位违规承揽用户工程的现象。

第 5 列:






部分供电企业对用户“用电”优质服务措施的宣传落实不力,宣传内容不符合优化用电营商环境政策; 相关信息的披露; 个别电力交易机构未及时向清洁能源发电企业披露与市场交易相关的安全约束、出清结果等信息。

第 6 列:

十七、国家电网公司部分供电企业在门户网站、供电营业场​​所等公布的供电服务“十项承诺”中,部分用电服务时限不符合规定国家能源局“压缩电能报告包”。 时间实施计划》的要求; 安徽、安庆等地区供电企业门户网站暂未发布营业网点信息。

18、甘肃省兰州市供电公司停电预案不严谨,停电时间预测偏差较大,不利于合理安排群众生产生活用电; 山阴、右玉、山西朔州等地区供电企业仅发布计划检修停电信息,其他故障停电信息未发布。

19.山西电力交易机构公布新能源交易结算结果时间长,交割交易公告时间短; 信息公开不完整,缺乏关键传输通道剩余可用容量、关键设备检修提前安排等安全约束。


部分电力调度机构未明确限风条件下风电场部署原则。 相同条件下,不同风电场的弃风率差异较大; 企业不能按期结清并网调试期间的上网电费。

第 7 列:




个别电力交易机构未按交易计划组织市场交易,有针对性地扩大市场交易规模; 未按要求向派出机构提交安全验证的; 新能源发电计划安排不合理,实施进度参差不齐; 跨省输电交易合同执行率偏低。

第 8 列:



24.青海省电力交易机构安排新能源基地用电规划尚无明确原则。 在编制月度电力交易计划时,未根据前期各电厂基本电量完成情况进行合理调整。 新能源企业基地电源规划完成进度参差不齐。



部分电网公司未及时结算上网电费和发放可再生能源补贴,市场交易用户退费管理不规范,退费时间滞后; 支付的购电费数额与应支付的购电费数额存在差异的; 银行承兑汇票在向发电企业支付电费中的比例较高。

第 9 列:

26、天津市电力公司多月电费单月结算; 河北省电力有限公司未及时向可再生能源企业发放补贴的; 四川电力公司对市场交易用户退费管理不规范,退费时间滞后,所属供电企业之间存在明显差异,退费时间跨度长达3个月。




部分供电企业对12398热线投诉举报共性问题重点专项督查部署滞后,效果不佳; 未严格落实12398热线投诉举报查处要求。 举报问题针对性不强,处理质量不高。

第 10 列:

29、新疆喀什、新疆等地区供电企业对个人用户反映的低电压投诉举报不够重视,整改不及时、不彻底; 新疆阿勒泰等地区供电公司处理部分群众投诉举报。 不是特别。

30、湖南平江供电公司没有建立12398热线投诉举报常见问题处理台,很多投诉举报没有得到及时处理; 四川泸州供电公司常见问题台账不规范,无基本信息、整改措施等; 四川省能源投资集团有限公司、乐山电力有限公司工作部署滞后,未能有效组织所辖供电企业对投诉举报共性问题开展专项督办12398热线。


针对重点专项监管发现的问题,国家能源局按照监管工作闭环要求,综合运用会商通报、监管约谈、行政处罚等方式,推动发现问题得到有效解决。 针对国家电网公司和南方电网公司的623问题,国家能源局于2020年4月13日、15日分别与两家电网公司进行了会商。在重点专项督查中,两家电网公司按照督查工作要求,制定专项工作方案,明确工作措施和时间节点,对国家能源局和派出机构发现的问题,第一时间进行整改。 不断完善问题解决的长效机制。 截至5月15日,两家电网公司已整改问题562项; 其余61项问题,因农网改造、资金投入等因素,也明确了整改措施和预计完成时间,将逐步解决。 对属于地方电力企业的94项问题,派出机构通报相关企业并责令整改。

总体而言,通过重点专项督查的深入开展,促进了各地用电营商环境不断改善,完善了电力市场交易机制,促进了清洁能源消费和发展。推动了更大范围的资源优化配置,解决了一批群众性问题。 群众反映强烈、反复出现、矛盾突出的普遍问题进一步提高了供电质量和供电服务水平。 主要体现在以下几个方面。


中国用户“用电”优质服务水平稳步提升,全国用电营商环境持续优化。 2019年10月,世界银行发布的《2020年全球营商环境报告》显示,以北京、上海为样本城市的我国“通电”指数排名从第14位进一步提升至第12位,连续两届保持领先地位年。 世界领先水平,部分指标世界一流。

第 11 列:

1、用电更省时。 上海电力公司与地方政府“一网办”、“联考平台”无缝对接。 配套电力外线工程入库系统,用户平均用电时间较2018年缩短1/3以上; 青海省电力公司低压产业扩建配套项目实现“抢修抢料”工作模式,电能处理效率同比提高32.5%。

2、用电更省心。 北京电力公司创新运用“互联网+”和“大数据”,实现项目管理全过程电子化,用户报装、安装、接线等过程“弹指之间”完成; 深圳市供电局有限公司推出“零信息”“零审核”无感低压电报安装,市民只需“刷脸”即可完成低压安装业务; 江苏电力实现农村综合服务网格化、区域化,通过深化大数据应用、推广移动运营终端,推进“线上+线下”业务融合,实现农村低保电压用户“一次不跑”,偏远地区居民使用“7*24预约上门服务”。

3、用电更经济。 广东电网有限公司广州供电局创新推广“临时租电共享”、“电能保障”等供电服务,降低企业用电成本。 2019年,国家电网、南方电网、内蒙古电力(集团)有限责任公司3家电网公司共为用户节省总投资约225亿元。增加低压接入能力,扩大投资接口。

4、信息更加透明。 重庆电力公司编制线上线下宣传资料,通过新闻发布会、走访交流、典型案例宣传等形式,全面宣传“三个零”服务措施和“掌上电”APP,方便企业群众了解享受政策,享受便利,获得实惠。 负担得起的。


全国清洁能源装机容量保持稳定增长,电源结构持续优化汉中电力局停电公告,清洁能源消纳水平持续提升,限电限电率实现“双降”,弃水问题得到有效缓解,风能和太阳能消纳量逐年提高。 清洁能源市场化交易机制不断完善,交易组织、安全验证、电力调度等精细化管理水平不断提升。 电力辅助服务市场建设逐步深化,系统灵活调节能力和安全裕度全面提升,清洁能源消纳空间进一步拓展,能源结构转型升级成效显着.

第 12 列:

五、清洁能源消费总体形势继续向好。 2019年全国主要流域弃电量约300亿度,水能利用率96%,同比提高4个百分点。 全国弃风电量约169亿千瓦时,平均弃风率为4%,同比下降3个百分点。 全国废弃光伏电量约46亿千瓦时,平均废弃光伏率为2%,同比下降1个百分点。 通过对电力辅助服务市场的深入挖掘,系统调峰容量3100万千瓦,新增清洁能源发电量850亿千瓦时,相当于减少消纳2600万吨标准煤,减排二氧化硫1.7万吨、氮氧化物1.6万吨。

六、资源优化配置成效显着。 西北地区跨省调峰市场实现了区域资源共享、跨省互助。 以甘肃为例,2019年,区域辅助服务市场向甘肃电网提供调峰电量25.83亿千瓦时,甘肃电网向外省提供调峰电量2.28亿千瓦时。 东北地区开展跨省调峰支持991次,支持电量近18.12亿千瓦时,并积极配合俄罗斯、朝鲜开展跨省调峰,缓解冬季低谷调峰困难.

七、清洁能源消费空间不断扩大。 南部地区提前完成滇西北直流工程,新增向广东云送电容量500万千瓦; 加强错峰电源建设,新增抽水蓄能装机130万千瓦。 东北地区加强清洁能源消纳综合治理。 2019年清洁能源消纳830.37亿千瓦时,同比增长14.85%,新能源限用电量15.59亿千瓦时,同比下降46.55%,实现最好历史水平。

八、电力调度运行机制不断完善。 华北地区实行集中式光伏扶贫电站优先调度机制。 2019年,河北电力、河北电力、内蒙古电力(集团)有限责任公司光伏扶贫电站共新增1.97亿千瓦时,增加收入1.56亿元。 助力打赢脱贫攻坚战。 云南开展梯级水电群精细化调度。 2019年,主汛期全网弃水电量同比下降92.5%汉中电力局停电公告,全年弃水电量同比减少158.1亿千瓦时。


各供电企业按照监管要求,深入开展自查整改,对电力局反映强烈的停电频繁、电压低、停电抢修不及时、用户报装不及时等12项普遍问题进行了深入自查整改。人、矛盾反复出现、突出。 问题13551个,2019年已完成大部分整改,切实解决了一大批群众的后顾之忧、后顾之忧、后顾之忧。 同时,国家能源局严格行政执法,坚决查处重点专项督查中发现的侵犯群众合法权益行为,对13起严重违法行为给予行政处罚,罚款1.95万元没收。

第 13 列:

9. The power quality problems that the masses reported were focused on solving. In response to power quality problems such as low voltage and frequent power outages concentrated in complaints and reports, various power supply companies have carried out key governance and solved 8,093 power quality problems. Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd. carefully sorted out the cases of voltage instability and low-voltage common problems, carried out special actions to reduce the failure rate, and completed the problem management of 942 low-voltage station areas. The voltage instability and low-voltage problems in the area were effectively alleviated, and frequent The number of outage issues has dropped significantly. In response to the low voltage and frequent power outages identified by the Henan Provincial Electric Power Company, a special rectification plan was formulated, and a special rectification fund of 950 million yuan was issued to focus on the renovation and management of relevant stations. The number of complaints and reports on the 12398 hotline dropped significantly.

10. Some deep-seated problems that have a greater impact have been effectively resolved. In response to the high cost of electricity for agricultural production and irrigation in some areas of Henan, which was strongly reported by the masses, the Henan Supervision Office included this problem in the list of common problems for special treatment, and cooperated with relevant local government departments and power supply companies to start from planning connection and grid connection. , Electricity fee collection and other aspects of the study issued opinions, and promoted the effective resolution of related issues. In response to the construction of power supply facilities in newly-built residential quarters that was strongly reflected by the industry in Fujian, the Fujian Supervision Office conducted a special investigation and jointly issued normative documents with the local government, and the related problems in the jurisdiction were better resolved.

11. A long-term solution mechanism for complaints and reports of common problems has been initially established. China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. formulated the "Ten Measures of China Southern Power Grid Corporation to Vigorously Reduce 12398 Complaints", implemented the mechanism of "daily monitoring, weekly analysis, and monthly notification" of customer problems, and created an "all-customer, all-channel, all-business, all-data" The "Four Complete" unified service platform, the control of complaints and reporting has been continuously strengthened, and the ability to solve customer problems has been comprehensively improved. The Sichuan Provincial Electric Power Company has improved the complaint and reporting management and control mechanism, established a three-level analysis and regular meeting system, and regularly checked major and difficult problems; established a low-voltage precise governance working mechanism, and strengthened the governance of the source of complaints and reports. Liaoning Provincial Electric Power Co., Ltd. has formulated a special management and control plan for complaints and reports on the 12398 hotline, established a long-term analysis system for common problems, and carried out "review" on a regular basis.

4. Regulatory opinions

All power grid companies and power supply enterprises at all levels must deeply practice the people-centered development idea, conscientiously implement the new energy security strategy, improve political positions, and strengthen responsibility; they must further strengthen problem governance, continue to promote energy structure transformation and upgrading, and comprehensively Improve service quality and service level, and continuously meet the growing needs of the people for a better life.

(1) Comprehensively improve the high-quality service level of "getting electricity"

All power supply companies should speed up the replication and promotion of typical experience and practices of "getting electricity" in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, focus on user needs, innovate service methods, expand service channels, further shorten the time for power supply, improve the convenience of power supply, reduce the cost of power supply, and comprehensively Improve the overall service level of "obtaining electricity" in my country, and ensure the completion of the target task of "reducing the average time for power supply enterprises to handle power users' electricity business to within 40 working days in 2020"; at the same time, further standardize service behaviors and strengthen internal management of enterprises , Increase the intensity of information disclosure, and effectively improve users' sense of acquisition of high-quality services.

(2) Continue to improve power supply capacity and quality

All power supply companies should increase investment in urban distribution networks and rural power grids in construction and transformation, and prioritize prominent problems such as aging lines, large power supply radius, low voltage, and frequent power outages in rural areas into the power grid transformation plan, and focus on solving low voltage, frequent power outages, etc. outstanding problems; it is necessary to strengthen investment in poverty-stricken areas, focus on transformation of poor areas with poor power supply capacity and many outstanding problems, and focus on solving the problem of unbalanced development of power grid construction; it is necessary to optimize the comprehensive security system and improve the level of power grid operation and maintenance management. Strengthen power outage plan control and power outage process management, strictly implement relevant national regulations and standards on power supply quality, and comprehensively improve power supply reliability.

(3) Establish a comprehensive guarantee system for clean energy consumption

All power grid companies and power dispatching and trading institutions should pay attention to the construction of long-term mechanisms, focus on breaking the constraints of clean energy consumption, and build a comprehensive guarantee system that adapts to the high proportion of clean energy consumption; coordinate the development of network sources, loads and storage, and synchronize Planning, synchronous construction, and synchronous operation of clean energy supporting power grid projects; actively cooperate with the construction of the power auxiliary service market mechanism, further optimize the principle of real-time dispatching and joint dispatching operation methods; continue to standardize the organization of market-oriented transactions, and strengthen the compliance management of market-oriented transactions Disaggregate the execution work with electricity, improve the rigidity of transaction rules and transaction plans, and improve the fairness of clean energy consumption; earnestly implement the responsibility weight of clean energy electricity consumption, reasonably determine the clean energy utilization rate targets of each province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) and timely Dynamic adjustments to steadily increase the proportion of clean energy in energy consumption.

(4) Further improve and improve the mechanism for handling complaints and reports

All power supply companies should attach great importance to the work related to the handling of complaints and reports on the 12398 hotline, pay close attention to every appeal of the people, carefully search for service shortcomings, strictly standardize internal processes, speed up the progress of complaints and reports, improve the quality of complaints and reports, and continuously improve the quality of complaints and reports. Reflect the ability to solve problems, ensure that the demands of the masses are responded to in a timely manner, and that the difficulties of the masses are satisfactorily resolved; it is necessary to focus on and regularly summarize the common problems in the complaints and reports of the masses, and to be good at discovering general laws and universal appeals from the demands of the masses. To solve deep-seated contradictions in network construction, investment layout, force allocation, service capabilities, etc., so as to "discover one, rectify a group, and eliminate one type" of common problems; further improve the complaint and report response mechanism, optimize the complaint and report handling system, Scientifically and rationally formulate the assessment and evaluation system for complaints and reports, and constantly improve the long-term mechanism for dealing with common problems.

Editor in charge: Zhou Xiaobo Submission email: Online submission